Understanding SQL Wildcard Characters

Dive into SQL Wildcard Characters! Explore their significance and unleash powerful querying. Master the syntax and applications with our insightful guide and examples.

Kaibarta Sa

12/25/20232 min read

kanji text signage
kanji text signage

In the world of SQL, wildcard characters play a crucial role in searching and filtering data. They allow you to perform pattern matching and retrieve information based on specific criteria. In this blog post, we will explore the different wildcard characters in SQL and provide examples to help you understand their usage.

The '%' Wildcard Character

The '%' wildcard character represents any sequence of characters. It is commonly used with the 'LIKE' operator to search for patterns within a string. Let's consider an example:

SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customer_name LIKE 'J%';

This query will retrieve all customer records where the customer name starts with the letter 'J'. The '%' wildcard allows for flexibility in matching different variations of names starting with 'J'.

The '_' Wildcard Character

The '_' wildcard character represents a single character. It can be used in conjunction with the 'LIKE' operator to search for patterns with a specific character in a particular position. For instance:

SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_name LIKE 'A_';

This query will retrieve all product records where the product name begins with 'A' followed by any single character. It can match variations like 'Apple', 'Axe', or 'A1'.

The '[]' Wildcard Characters

The '[]' wildcard characters are used to specify a range of characters. They allow you to search for patterns within a specific range. Here's an example:

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE employee_name LIKE '[A-D]%';

This query will retrieve all employee records where the employee name starts with the letters 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'. The '[]' wildcard characters provide a concise way to search for multiple variations of a pattern.

The '^' Wildcard Character

The '^' wildcard character is used to exclude a specific range of characters. It can be combined with the '[]' wildcard characters to define a pattern that should not be matched. For example:

SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_name LIKE '[^A-Z]%';

This query will retrieve all product records where the product name does not start with an uppercase letter. It excludes variations like 'Apple', 'Banana', or 'Car'.


Wildcard characters in SQL provide powerful tools for searching and filtering data based on specific patterns. The '%' wildcard represents any sequence of characters, the '_' wildcard represents a single character, the '[]' wildcard characters specify a range of characters, and the '^' wildcard character excludes a specific range of characters. By understanding and utilizing these wildcard characters effectively, you can enhance your SQL queries and retrieve the desired information efficiently.

Remember to experiment with different wildcard characters and explore their combinations to fully leverage their capabilities in your SQL queries.