Understanding SQL Update Statements: Examples

Master SQL Update Statements with our comprehensive guide. Navigate from simple to complex examples, empowering you to efficiently modify database records. Elevate your SQL skills today!

Kaibarta Sa

12/21/20232 min read

person using MacBook Pro
person using MacBook Pro

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a powerful tool for managing and manipulating data in relational databases. One of the most commonly used SQL statements is the UPDATE statement, which allows you to modify existing data in a table. In this blog post, we will explore the syntax and usage of the SQL UPDATE statement, starting from simple examples and gradually moving towards more complex scenarios.

Simple Example: Updating a Single Column

Let's begin with a simple example where we update a single column in a table. Suppose we have a table called "Employees" with columns like "Name," "Age," and "Salary." To update the salary of an employee, we can use the following SQL statement:

UPDATE Employees
SET Salary = 50000
WHERE Name = 'John Doe';

In this example, we specify the table name, the column we want to update (Salary), and the new value (50000). We also use the WHERE clause to specify the condition under which the update should occur (in this case, the employee's name is 'John Doe').

Complex Example: Updating Multiple Columns

Now, let's explore a more complex example where we update multiple columns in a table. Consider a table called "Orders" with columns like "OrderID," "CustomerID," "ProductID," and "Quantity." Suppose we want to update both the CustomerID and Quantity for a specific order. We can use the following SQL statement:

SET CustomerID = 123, Quantity = 5
WHERE OrderID = 1001;

In this example, we update two columns (CustomerID and Quantity) simultaneously. We specify the new values for each column separated by a comma. Again, we use the WHERE clause to specify the condition under which the update should occur (in this case, the OrderID is 1001).

Handling Complex Conditions: Using Subqueries

SQL update statements can also handle more complex conditions using subqueries. Consider a scenario where we want to update the salary of all employees who have a higher salary than the average salary in the company. We can achieve this using the following SQL statement:

UPDATE Employees
SET Salary = Salary * 1.1
WHERE Salary > (SELECT AVG(Salary) FROM Employees);

In this example, we use a subquery to calculate the average salary of all employees and compare it with each employee's salary. If the employee's salary is higher than the average, we update their salary by multiplying it by 1.1 (increasing it by 10%).


The SQL UPDATE statement is a powerful tool for modifying data in relational databases. From simple examples to complex scenarios, it allows you to update single or multiple columns based on specific conditions. By understanding the syntax and usage of the UPDATE statement, you can effectively manage and manipulate data in your database.

Remember to always double-check your conditions and use the WHERE clause wisely to ensure that you only update the intended records. Practice and experimentation with different scenarios will help you become more proficient in using the SQL UPDATE statement.

So, go ahead and explore the possibilities of updating data in your database using SQL!