All Trim Commands in SQL with Complex Examples

Explore comprehensive SQL trim commands with intricate examples. Master the art of string manipulation and optimize your queries with our detailed guide.

Kaibarta Sa

1/18/20242 min read

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pink flowers in tilt shift lens

In SQL, the TRIM function is used to remove specified characters from the beginning and/or end of a string. This function is particularly useful when dealing with data that may contain leading or trailing spaces or other unwanted characters. In this blog post, we will explore the various TRIM commands available in SQL and provide complex examples to demonstrate their usage.


The TRIM command is used to remove leading and trailing spaces from a string. It takes the following syntax:

TRIM([LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH] [characters] FROM string)

Here, the optional keywords LEADING, TRAILING, and BOTH specify the position from which the characters should be trimmed. The optional characters parameter specifies the specific characters to be removed. If not specified, TRIM will remove spaces by default.

Let's consider an example to illustrate the usage of TRIM:

SELECT TRIM('   Hello World   ') AS trimmed_string;

The above query will return 'Hello World' as the trimmed_string, removing the leading and trailing spaces.


The LTRIM command is used to remove leading spaces from a string. It takes the following syntax:


Let's consider an example to illustrate the usage of LTRIM:

SELECT LTRIM('   Hello World') AS trimmed_string;

The above query will return 'Hello World' as the trimmed_string, removing the leading spaces.


The RTRIM command is used to remove trailing spaces from a string. It takes the following syntax:


Let's consider an example to illustrate the usage of RTRIM:

SELECT RTRIM('Hello World   ') AS trimmed_string;

The above query will return 'Hello World' as the trimmed_string, removing the trailing spaces.

4. TRIM with Specific Characters

In addition to removing spaces, the TRIM command can also remove specific characters from a string. Let's consider an example to illustrate this:

SELECT TRIM(',' FROM ',Hello,World,') AS trimmed_string;

The above query will return 'Hello,World' as the trimmed_string, removing the leading and trailing commas.

5. TRIM with Multiple Characters

The TRIM command can handle multiple characters to be removed. Let's consider an example to illustrate this:

SELECT TRIM('x' FROM 'xxHello Worldxx') AS trimmed_string;

The above query will return 'Hello World' as the trimmed_string, removing the leading and trailing 'x' characters.

6. TRIM in WHERE Clause

The TRIM command can also be used in the WHERE clause to filter data based on trimmed values. Let's consider an example to illustrate this:

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE TRIM(last_name) = 'Smith';

The above query will return all employees with the last name 'Smith', regardless of any leading or trailing spaces in the last_name column.

7. TRIM in UPDATE Statement

The TRIM command can be used in an UPDATE statement to remove unwanted characters from a column's value. Let's consider an example to illustrate this:

UPDATE customers SET email = TRIM('@' FROM email);

The above query will remove the '@' character from the email column for all customers.

In conclusion, the TRIM function in SQL provides various commands to remove leading, trailing, or specific characters from a string. These commands can be used in various scenarios, such as data cleaning, filtering, or updating. Understanding the different TRIM commands and their usage can greatly enhance your SQL skills and improve the quality of your data operations.