Resource Governor for Workload Management in SQL Server

Optimize SQL Server performance with Resource Governor! Learn efficient workload management strategies for better resource allocation and improved database responsiveness

Kaibarta Sa

1/8/20243 min read

man in white button up shirt holding black and white box
man in white button up shirt holding black and white box


In a busy database environment, it is crucial to efficiently manage and allocate system resources to ensure optimal performance. SQL Server provides a powerful feature called Resource Governor that enables workload management by controlling and prioritizing resource allocation for different workloads. This blog post will guide you through the steps of implementing Resource Governor in SQL Server, along with suitable examples using SQL queries.

Step 1: Enable Resource Governor

The first step in utilizing Resource Governor is to enable it on your SQL Server instance. To do this, connect to the SQL Server instance using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and execute the following query:

EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
EXEC sp_configure 'resource governor', 1;

This query enables the advanced options and then enables the Resource Governor feature on the SQL Server instance.

Step 2: Create a Resource Pool

A resource pool is a container that defines the maximum amount of resources that can be allocated to a specific workload. To create a resource pool, execute the following query:


Replace [PoolName] with a suitable name for your resource pool. The MIN_CPU_PERCENT and MAX_CPU_PERCENT parameters define the minimum and maximum CPU percentage that can be allocated to the pool, while the MIN_MEMORY_PERCENT and MAX_MEMORY_PERCENT parameters define the minimum and maximum memory percentage.

Step 3: Create a Workload Group

A workload group is a logical container that maps a specific workload to a resource pool. To create a workload group, execute the following query:

USING [PoolName];

Replace [GroupName] with a suitable name for your workload group, and [PoolName] with the name of the resource pool you created in the previous step. This query associates the workload group with the specified resource pool.

Step 4: Define Classifier Functions

Classifier functions are used to determine which workload group a specific request belongs to. You can define classifier functions based on various criteria, such as the application name, login name, or any other attribute of the incoming request. Here's an example of creating a classifier function based on the application name:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_classifier_function]()
    DECLARE @workload_group SYSNAME;
    IF (APP_NAME() LIKE '%Application1%')
        SET @workload_group = 'GroupName1';
    ELSE IF (APP_NAME() LIKE '%Application2%')
        SET @workload_group = 'GroupName2';
        SET @workload_group = 'Default';
    RETURN @workload_group;

In this example, the classifier function checks the application name using the APP_NAME() function and assigns the appropriate workload group based on the application name. You can customize the logic in the classifier function to suit your specific requirements.

Step 5: Create a Resource Governor Classifier

The Resource Governor Classifier is responsible for mapping incoming requests to the appropriate workload group based on the classifier function. To create a Resource Governor Classifier, execute the following query:

WITH (CLASSIFIER_FUNCTION = [dbo].[fn_classifier_function]);

Replace [dbo].[fn_classifier_function] with the name of the classifier function you created in the previous step. This query associates the classifier function with the Resource Governor.

Step 6: Test and Monitor

Once you have set up the Resource Governor, it's important to test and monitor its effectiveness. You can use SQL queries to simulate different workloads and observe how the Resource Governor allocates resources based on the defined rules. For example, you can execute a query to simulate a workload for Application1 and monitor the CPU and memory usage for the associated workload group.

USE [YourDatabase];
-- Simulate workload for Application1
EXEC sp_execute_external_script
    @language = N'R',
    @script = N'
        # Your workload query here

By executing different workload queries and monitoring the resource usage, you can fine-tune the resource pool and workload group settings to achieve optimal performance for your specific workload scenarios.


Resource Governor in SQL Server provides a powerful mechanism for workload management by controlling and prioritizing resource allocation. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can effectively implement Resource Governor and optimize resource usage in your SQL Server environment. Remember to regularly monitor and fine-tune the resource pool and workload group settings to ensure optimal performance.

Please note that Resource Governor is available in the Enterprise and Developer editions of SQL Server.

I hope this step-by-step guide has provided you with a clear understanding of how to implement Resource Governor for workload management in SQL Server. By effectively managing system resources, you can ensure optimal performance and enhance the overall efficiency of your database environment.