Data Manipulation with SQL: CRUD Operations Demystified

Demystify CRUD operations in SQL with our comprehensive guide. Master data manipulation techniques for effective database management. Elevate your SQL skills today!

Kaibarta Sa

12/20/20232 min read

a stack of stacked blue and white plates
a stack of stacked blue and white plates


Structured Query Language (SQL) is a powerful tool used for managing and manipulating data in relational databases. One of the key aspects of SQL is its ability to perform CRUD operations, which stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. In this blog post, we will explore each of these operations in detail and understand how they can be used to manipulate data effectively.


The Create operation in SQL allows us to insert new records into a database table. To perform this operation, we use the INSERT statement followed by the table name and the values to be inserted. For example:

INSERT INTO employees (id, name, age) VALUES (1, 'John Doe', 30);

This statement will add a new employee record with an id of 1, name 'John Doe', and age 30 to the 'employees' table.


The Read operation is used to retrieve data from a database table. SQL provides the SELECT statement to perform this operation. We can specify the columns we want to retrieve using the SELECT clause and filter the data using the WHERE clause. For example:

SELECT name, age FROM employees WHERE age > 25;

This statement will retrieve the names and ages of employees whose age is greater than 25 from the 'employees' table.


The Update operation allows us to modify existing records in a database table. To perform this operation, we use the UPDATE statement followed by the table name, the columns to be updated, and the new values. We can also specify conditions using the WHERE clause to update specific records. For example:

UPDATE employees SET age = 35 WHERE id = 1;

This statement will update the age of the employee with id 1 to 35 in the 'employees' table.


The Delete operation is used to remove records from a database table. SQL provides the DELETE statement to perform this operation. We can specify conditions using the WHERE clause to delete specific records. For example:

DELETE FROM employees WHERE age > 40;

This statement will delete all employee records from the 'employees' table whose age is greater than 40.


Understanding CRUD operations in SQL is essential for effectively managing and manipulating data in relational databases. By mastering these operations, you can create, read, update, and delete records with ease, enabling you to maintain data integrity and make informed decisions based on the information stored in your database.

So, whether you are a beginner or an experienced SQL user, make sure to brush up on your CRUD skills to unlock the full potential of SQL and take control of your data.