Understanding SQL Recursive Queries: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples

Master SQL recursive queries with our comprehensive guide and practical examples. Unlock the power of hierarchical data modeling for advanced database analysis.

Kaibarta Sa

1/4/20243 min read

a stack of stacked blue and white plates
a stack of stacked blue and white plates

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a powerful tool used to manage and manipulate databases. One of the most intriguing features of SQL is its ability to perform recursive queries. Recursive queries allow you to query data that references itself, making it possible to traverse hierarchical structures or solve complex problems that require iterative processing.

What are Recursive Queries?

In SQL, a recursive query is a query that refers to its own output. It enables you to perform operations on a dataset that has a recursive structure, such as a hierarchical relationship between rows. Recursive queries are particularly useful when dealing with data that has a parent-child relationship, like organizational charts, product categories, or even social networks.

Recursive queries are implemented using a combination of common table expressions (CTEs) and recursive anchor and recursive members. The anchor member is the base case, and the recursive member is the iterative step that builds upon the anchor member until the desired result is achieved.

Recursive Queries Syntax

The syntax for a recursive query in SQL typically follows this structure:

WITH RECURSIVE cte_name (column_list) AS (
    -- Anchor member
    SELECT column_list FROM base_table
    -- Recursive member
    SELECT column_list FROM cte_name JOIN recursive_table ON join_condition
SELECT * FROM cte_name;

Let's break down the different parts of this syntax:

  • cte_name: The name of the common table expression that will be used throughout the query.
  • column_list: The list of columns you want to select from the anchor and recursive members.
  • base_table: The table or subquery that serves as the anchor member.
  • recursive_table: The table or subquery that serves as the recursive member.
  • join_condition: The condition that defines the relationship between the anchor and recursive members.

Example: Recursive Query for Hierarchical Data

Let's consider an example where we have a table called employees that stores information about employees and their managers. The table has two columns: employee_id and manager_id. The manager_id column refers to the employee_id of the employee's manager.

Our goal is to retrieve a hierarchical structure of employees and their managers, starting from a specific employee. We can achieve this using a recursive query.

CREATE TABLE employees (
    employee_id INT,
    manager_id INT

INSERT INTO employees VALUES (2, 1);
INSERT INTO employees VALUES (3, 1);
INSERT INTO employees VALUES (4, 2);
INSERT INTO employees VALUES (5, 2);
INSERT INTO employees VALUES (6, 3);
INSERT INTO employees VALUES (7, 3);

Now, let's write a recursive query to retrieve the hierarchical structure:

WITH RECURSIVE employee_hierarchy (employee_id, manager_id, level) AS (
    -- Anchor member
    SELECT employee_id, manager_id, 0
    FROM employees
    WHERE employee_id = 1
    -- Recursive member
    SELECT employees.employee_id, employees.manager_id, employee_hierarchy.level + 1
    FROM employees
    JOIN employee_hierarchy ON employees.manager_id = employee_hierarchy.employee_id
SELECT employee_id, manager_id, level
FROM employee_hierarchy;

In this example, we start with the anchor member, which selects the employee with an employee_id of 1. Then, in the recursive member, we join the employees table with the employee_hierarchy CTE, using the manager_id and employee_id columns, respectively. We also increment the level by 1 to keep track of the hierarchy depth.

The result of this query will be:

employee_id | manager_id | level
1           |            | 0
2           | 1          | 1
3           | 1          | 1
4           | 2          | 2
5           | 2          | 2
6           | 3          | 2
7           | 3          | 2

As you can see, the query retrieves the hierarchical structure of employees and their managers, starting from the employee with an employee_id of 1.

Use Cases for Recursive Queries

Recursive queries can be applied to various scenarios where data has a recursive or hierarchical structure. Here are a few common use cases:

1. Organization Charts

Recursive queries are commonly used to represent and query organizational charts. By storing the relationships between employees and their managers, you can easily retrieve the hierarchical structure of an organization, including the reporting lines and levels of management.

2. Product Categories

In an e-commerce system, products are often organized into categories and subcategories. Recursive queries can be used to retrieve the entire category hierarchy, making it easier to navigate and analyze product data.

3. Social Networks

Recursive queries can also be applied to social networks, where users are connected to each other through friend relationships. By using recursive queries, you can traverse the network and retrieve connections, friends of friends, or even find the shortest path between two users.


Recursive queries in SQL provide a powerful mechanism for querying hierarchical or recursive data structures. By leveraging common table expressions and recursive members, you can easily traverse and analyze complex relationships within your database. Understanding how to write and use recursive queries opens up new possibilities for solving problems that require iterative processing.

Remember, recursive queries should be used judiciously, as they can be resource-intensive and may require careful optimization for large datasets. However, when used appropriately, recursive queries can greatly simplify the retrieval and manipulation of hierarchical data.