How to Free Up Memory Space in SQL Database with Examples

Maximize SQL database performance! Explore practical examples to free up memory space efficiently. Optimize your system for peak functionality with our step-by-step guide.

Kaibarta Sa

1/1/20241 min read

MacBook Pro with images of computer language codes
MacBook Pro with images of computer language codes

Understanding Database Shrinking: Syntax and Examples

Database management is a crucial aspect of maintaining efficient systems. One common task in managing databases is shrinking their size to optimize storage utilization. Shrinking a database file can reclaim unused space, which is especially beneficial after significant data deletions or modifications. In this blog post, we'll delve into the syntax and examples of shrinking database files in different database management systems.

SQL Server


DBCC SHRINKDATABASE ( { database_name | database_id | 0 } [ , target_percent ] [ , { NOTRUNCATE | TRUNCATEONLY } ] )


Suppose we have a database named MyDatabase and want to shrink it to reduce unused space:

USE MyDatabase;




In this example, MyDatabase is the target database, and 10 indicates that SQL Server should try to reduce the database size to 10% of its current size.



MySQL doesn't have a built-in command to shrink a database like SQL Server. Instead, you can optimize and reclaim space using the OPTIMIZE TABLE command for individual tables.


To optimize a table in MySQL:

OPTIMIZE TABLE table_name;

This command rebuilds the table to reclaim unused space and improve performance.



PostgreSQL doesn't have a direct command for shrinking a database. However, you can reclaim space by using the VACUUM command and the FULL option.


To perform a full vacuum on a table in PostgreSQL:

VACUUM FULL table_name;

This command reclaims space occupied by dead tuples and compacts the table.



In MongoDB, you can use the compact command to reclaim disk space by defragmenting data.


To compact a collection in MongoDB:

use mydb; db.mycollection.compact();

This command will defragment the data and reclaim unused space in the collection mycollection within the mydb database.


Shrinking database files is an essential maintenance task to optimize storage utilization and improve performance. Different database management systems have varied approaches to reclaiming space, whether through specific commands or optimizations at the table or collection level.