SQL DELETE vs. TRUNCATE: Understanding the Differences

Dive into the nuances of SQL DELETE vs. TRUNCATE. Uncover the differences with clarity and make informed database management decisions. Explore our comprehensive guide now!

Kaibarta Sa

12/27/20233 min read

white and yellow computer keyboard
white and yellow computer keyboard


When working with relational databases, such as MySQL or Oracle, you often need to manipulate data by deleting unwanted records. Two commonly used commands for this purpose are DELETE and TRUNCATE. While they both serve the purpose of removing data from a table, there are significant differences between the two. In this blog post, we will explore the distinctions between SQL DELETE and TRUNCATE, and provide suitable examples to illustrate their usage.


The DELETE command is used to remove one or more rows from a table that meet certain conditions. It allows for precise control over which records to delete by specifying a WHERE clause. The syntax for the DELETE statement is as follows:

DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;

Here, table_name refers to the name of the table from which you want to delete records, and condition specifies the criteria that must be met for a row to be deleted.

For example, let's consider a table called "employees" with the following structure:

| ID | Name     | Age | Salary |
| 1  | John     | 25  | 50000  |
| 2  | Sarah    | 30  | 60000  |
| 3  | Michael  | 35  | 70000  |
| 4  | Jennifer | 28  | 55000  |

If we want to delete all employees with an age greater than 30, we can use the DELETE command as follows:

DELETE FROM employees WHERE Age > 30;

After executing this command, the "employees" table will be updated as follows:

| ID | Name    | Age | Salary |
| 1  | John    | 25  | 50000  |
| 4  | Jennifer| 28  | 55000  |

As you can see, the rows of employees with an age greater than 30 have been deleted.


Unlike DELETE, the TRUNCATE command is used to remove all rows from a table, effectively resetting the table to its original state. It is a faster and more efficient way of deleting all records from a table, especially when dealing with large datasets. The syntax for the TRUNCATE statement is as follows:

TRUNCATE TABLE table_name;

Here, table_name refers to the name of the table that you want to truncate.

For example, let's consider the same "employees" table as before. If we want to remove all the records from this table using the TRUNCATE command, we can simply execute the following statement:


After executing this command, the "employees" table will be empty:

| ID | Name | Age | Salary |

As you can see, all the rows have been deleted, and the table is now empty.

Differences between DELETE and TRUNCATE

Now that we have seen how DELETE and TRUNCATE work, let's compare them based on several key factors:

1. Speed and Performance

TRUNCATE is generally faster and more efficient than DELETE, especially when dealing with large tables. TRUNCATE does not generate any transaction logs, which makes it faster because it does not need to record each deletion. On the other hand, DELETE generates transaction logs for each deleted row, which can slow down the process, especially for large datasets.

2. Undoing the Operation

DELETE is a DML (Data Manipulation Language) operation, which means it can be rolled back using the database's rollback mechanism. This allows you to undo the deletion if needed. On the other hand, TRUNCATE is a DDL (Data Definition Language) operation, which cannot be rolled back. Once you truncate a table, the data is permanently deleted, and there is no way to undo the operation.

3. Table Structure and Triggers

DELETE only removes the data from the table, leaving the table structure and associated triggers intact. This means that any triggers defined on the table will be fired for each deleted row. TRUNCATE, on the other hand, not only removes the data but also resets the table structure and triggers. It effectively recreates the table, which can be useful in certain scenarios.

4. Auto-Incremented Values

When you delete rows from a table using DELETE, the auto-incremented values of the primary key column are not reset. This means that if you insert new records after the deletion, the primary key values will continue from where they left off. In contrast, TRUNCATE resets the auto-incremented values to their initial state. When you insert new records after truncating a table, the primary key values will start from the beginning.


In summary, both DELETE and TRUNCATE are SQL commands used to remove data from a table, but they have distinct differences in terms of their functionality and performance. DELETE allows for selective deletion based on specified conditions, while TRUNCATE removes all records from a table. TRUNCATE is faster and more efficient, but it cannot be rolled back, and it resets the table structure and triggers. On the other hand, DELETE can be rolled back, and it leaves the table structure and triggers intact. Understanding the differences between these commands will help you choose the appropriate one for your specific requirements.

Remember, when using either DELETE or TRUNCATE, it is crucial to exercise caution, as the deletion of data can have permanent consequences. Always make sure to have proper backups and test your commands in a controlled environment before applying them to production databases.