Understanding Stored Procedures in SQL: Syntax and Examples

Master SQL stored procedures with our comprehensive guide. Explore syntax and real-world examples to enhance database efficiency. Level up your SQL skills today!

Kaibarta Sa

12/22/20233 min read

a stack of stacked blue and white plates
a stack of stacked blue and white plates


In the world of database management systems, SQL (Structured Query Language) plays a vital role. It is a standardized language used to communicate with and manipulate relational databases. One powerful feature of SQL is the ability to create and use stored procedures. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of stored procedures, their syntax, and provide simple and difficult examples to help you better understand their usage.

What is a Stored Procedure?

A stored procedure is a named collection of SQL statements that are stored in the database. It is pre-compiled and saved, allowing for efficient execution and reuse. Stored procedures can accept input parameters, perform complex calculations, and return results. They are commonly used to encapsulate business logic and improve the performance and maintainability of database operations.

Syntax of a Stored Procedure

To create a stored procedure in SQL, you need to use the following syntax:

CREATE PROCEDURE procedure_name [parameter1 datatype, parameter2 datatype, ...]


-- SQL statements


Let's break down the syntax:

  • CREATE PROCEDURE: This keyword is used to create a new stored procedure.

  • procedure_name: This is the name you choose to give your stored procedure. It should be unique within the database.

  • [parameter1 datatype, parameter2 datatype, ...]: These are optional input parameters that the stored procedure can accept. Each parameter consists of a name and a data type.

  • AS: This keyword indicates the beginning of the stored procedure's body.

  • BEGIN: This keyword marks the start of the block of SQL statements that make up the stored procedure.

  • -- SQL statements: These are the actual SQL statements that the stored procedure will execute.

  • END: This keyword marks the end of the stored procedure.

Example 1

Let's start with a simple example to illustrate the usage of stored procedures. Suppose we have a table called "Employees" with columns "EmployeeID", "FirstName", and "LastName". We want to create a stored procedure that retrieves all the employees whose last name matches a given input parameter. Here's how the stored procedure would look:

CREATE PROCEDURE GetEmployeesByLastName @LastName VARCHAR(50)



SELECT * FROM Employees

WHERE LastName = @LastName ;


In this example, we created a stored procedure called "GetEmployeesByLastName" that accepts a parameter named "@LastName" of type VARCHAR(50). The stored procedure then performs a SELECT query to retrieve all the employees whose last name matches the input parameter. This stored procedure can be executed multiple times with different last names to retrieve specific sets of data.

Example 2

Now, let's move on to a more complex example to demonstrate the versatility of stored procedures. Suppose we have a table called "Orders" with columns "OrderID", "CustomerID", "OrderDate", and "TotalAmount". We want to create a stored procedure that calculates the total revenue generated by a specific customer within a given date range. Here's how the stored procedure would look:

CREATE PROCEDURE CalculateRevenue @CustomerID INT, @StartDate DATE, @EndDate DATE, @TotalRevenue DECIMAL(10, 2) OUTPUT


SELECT @TotalRevenue = SUM(TotalAmount) FROM Orders WHERE CustomerID = @CustomerID AND OrderDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate


In this example, we created a stored procedure called "CalculateRevenue" that accepts three input parameters: "@CustomerID" of type INT, "@StartDate" of type DATE, and "@EndDate" of type DATE. It also has an output parameter "@TotalRevenue" of type DECIMAL(10, 2). The stored procedure calculates the total revenue by summing the "TotalAmount" column from the "Orders" table, filtered by the specified customer ID and date range. The result is then stored in the output parameter "@TotalRevenue".


Stored procedures are powerful tools in SQL that allow for the encapsulation of complex logic and improved performance of database operations. By understanding the syntax and examples provided in this blog post, you should now have a solid foundation for creating and using stored procedures in your own SQL projects. Remember, stored procedures can greatly enhance the efficiency and maintainability of your database applications, so make sure to leverage this feature whenever appropriate.